martes, 2 de febrero de 2010

Carnaval de Carumas - Colegio De Jesus

María Pérez Martínez
Los objetivos primarios de educación física han variado, basado en las necesidades del tiempo y el lugar. El objetivo de las escuelas más modernas es de proveer de estudiantes del conocimiento, habilidades, capacidades, valores, y el entusiasmo de mantener un modo de vivir sano en la edad adulto. Las actividades incluidas en el programa son diseñadas para promover la salud física, desarrollar habilidades motoras, inculcar el conocimiento y el entendimiento de reglas, conceptos, y estrategias. Los estudiantes aprenden a o trabajar como la parte de un equipo, o como individuos, en una amplia variedad de actividades competitivas. En todos los estados en los Estados Unidos, ofrecen la educación física a estudiantes de grados la K a 12. La mayor parte de estados realmente requieren la educación física de 6o por 9os grados y ofrecen clases de educación física "electivas" de 10o por 12os grados

Jennifer Gómez


Creada por Noelia García

La EDUCACION FISICA INFANTIL como asignatura representa un espacio privilegiado en los institutos de formación para abordar la imagen de la infancia, aunque no el único, ya que sobre los niños se habla, se hace y se "reglamenta" desde muchos espacios.

En las instituciones, la infancia tiene su representación, su imagen, muchas veces partida o multiplicada como a través de espejos sucesivos y deformantes.

Lo que enseñamos, lo que transmitimos, se nutre de las imágenes que recogemos en el conjunto social. Las imágenes de los niños que utilizamos, que aplicamos, pertenecen a la sociedad. Pero no somos sólo consumidores o utilizadores de esas imágenes: en cada espacio de trabajo, en cada clase teórica, en cada propuesta práctica estamos ayudando a construir una imagen-objeto de lo que son los niños, de lo que se merecen, de lo que necesitan. En particular, estamos influyendo en el diseño de una serie de prácticas corporales para niños que, junto a otras prácticas sociales, constituyen a nuestra infancia.

CHILDREN AS SUBJECTS OF FEW BODY pedagogical practices. (SPACE FOR CHILDREN IN THE INSTITUTES OF TRAINING. Criticisms and proposals) physical education as a subject CHILD represents a privileged space in the training institutes to address the image of childhood, although not only because we talk about children, is made and "regulated" in many areas. At schools, children have their representation, image, game or multiplied many times and through successive and distorting mirrors. What we teach, what we pass, draws on the images we collect in the social whole. The images of children we use, we apply, belong to society. But we are not just consumers or users of such images: in each workspace, in every lecture, every practical proposal we are helping to build an image-object than are children of what they deserve, what need. In particular, we are affecting the design of a series of children's bodily practices that together with other social practices, provide for our children.

Physical Education

Physical education (often abbreviated Phys. Ed. or P.E.) or gymnastics (gym or gym class) is a course taken during primary and secondary education that encourages psychomotor learning in a play or movement exploration setting. The term physical education is most commonly used to denote they have participated in the subject area rather than studied it."[1]

The primary aims of physical education have varied, based on the needs of the time and place. Most modern schools' goal is to provide students with knowledge, skills, capacities, values, and the enthusiasm to maintain a healthy lifestyle into adulthood. Activities included in the program are designed to promote physical fitness, to develop motor skills, to instill knowledge and understanding of rules, concepts, and strategies. Students learn to either work as part of a team, or as individuals, in a wide variety of competitive activities. In all states in the United States, physical education is offered to students from grades K through 12. Most states do require physical education from 6th through 9th grades and offer "elective" physical education classes from 10th through 12th grades.[citation needed]

Physical Education trends have developed recently to incorporate more activities into P.E. Introducing students to lifetime activities like bowling, walking/hiking, or frisbee at an early age can help students develop good activity habits that will carry over into adulthood. Some teachers have even begun to incorporate stress-reduction techniques such as yoga and deep-breathing. Teaching non-traditional sports to students may also provide the necessary motivation for students to increase their activity, and can help students learn about different cultures. For example, while teaching a unit about Lacrosse (in say Arizona), students can also learn a little bit about the Native American cultures of the Northeast and Eastern Canada, where Lacrosse originated. Teaching non-traditional (or non-native) sports provides a great opportunity to integrate academic concepts from other subjects as well (social studies from the example above), which is required of every P.E. teacher these days.

There are also many different models that have been created as of late that change the face of P.E. One example of this is the Health Club Model. Teaching with this model is very different from the "Organized Recess" of 20 or 30 years ago. Spun off the boom in the health club industry, a P.E. class provides many of the same "classes" that are found at a health club. Monday a student could be doing kickboxing, the next day is yoga, Wednesday the student is doing Spinning. This type of program provides a great variety of activity for students, a lot a high intensity exercise, and helps introduce these activities for use later in life. The Sports Education model is another example of a new model were the class is run like a sports league, with students taking the role of coaches, scorers, referees, and reporters as well as players. Using this model, students practice management skills, mathematic skills, and writing skill all while learning sports skills and being active.

Another trend is the incorporation of Health and Nutrition to the physical education curriculum. The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 required that all school districts with a federally funded school meal program develop wellness policies that address nutrition and physical activity. [2] While teaching students sports and movement skills, P.E. teachers are now incorporating short health and nutrition lessons into the curriculum. This is more prevalent at the elementary school level, where students do not have a specific Health class.

Jennifer Gómez

"En mi escuela damos la educación física en inglés"

Esta profesora, que lleva 10 años de enseñanza a sus espaldas, narra una experiencia que ha puesto en marcha su centro: "Las clases de educación física se imparten en inglés. Hemos empezado con los estudiantes de seis y siete años y creemos que así se puede suplir la falta de práctica que a veces se produce en clase".

Hecho por María pérez Martínez

Educación física en el colegio en Ingles

Here an activity in English for Physical Education based on throwing and catching

Name of Activity: 2 Minute Drill

Purpose of Activity: Objective: To complete passes so your teams’ marker on the game board can be advanced down the field from 1 end zone to the other.

Activity cues: Remind students that it is important to let go of the ball with the nose pointed straight out or slightly up like we practiced so the ball makes it to the receiver in the air rather than bouncing in to them. Remind students to catch the ball with fingers pointing up on high throws, against their body for middle throws, and with fingers down on the low throws.

Prerequisites: Students should have had previous practice in gripping, throwing, and catching a football. I played this game from grades 2-8, just varying the passing distances as needed. Each grade enjoyed it.

Suggested Grade Level: 3-5

Materials Needed: Materials: 12-15 -junior size soft footballs, 8-10 cones, 4-5 containers/crates, 1 football field game board (needs to be made), 4-5 markers for game board, lively music The game board is just a mini model football field to scale that can be made out of paper, fabric, or cardboard or other. Like an NFL field, every 5 yards is a line and every 10 yards is a number indicating what yard line it is. It can be a simple diagram on paper or fancier based on your taste. I made mine with green fabric, first aid tape for yard lines, and printed out numbers on a cloth paper that peels and sticks. My field was about 3 feet wide and 12 feet long. For game markers, I used laminated NFL logos, but this could be bean bags or something else. I use this worksheet to provide feedback on the students likes and dislikes with types of activities. It also gives me a chance to see what obtacles they face at home when it comes to exercise and nutrition.

Nombre de Actividad: Taladro de 2 Minuto

Objetivo de Actividad: Objetivo: Completar pasa así el marcador de sus equipos sobre el consejo(la tabla) animoso puede ser avanzado abajo el campo de zona de 1 final al otro.
Señales de actividad: Recuerde a estudiantes a los cuales es importante dejar van de la pelota con la nariz puntiaguda directamente hacia fuera o ligeramente encima de como practicamos así la pelota lo hace al receptor en el aire más bien que saltarles en. Recuerde a estudiantes coger la pelota con dedos que señalan encima de sobre altos tiros, contra su cuerpo para tiros medios, y con dedos abajo sobre los tiros bajos.
Requisitos previos: Los estudiantes deberían haber tenido la práctica anterior en el agarro, el lanzamiento, y la cogedura un fútbol. Jugué este juego de grados 2-8, solamente(justo) variando las distancias que pasan como necesario. Cada grado disfrutó de ello.

Realizado por Tamara Gutiérrez López

Carnaval en el colegio

Video del carnaval del colegio San Gabriel en el curso 2008/2009

Realizado por Tamara Gutiérrez López