martes, 2 de febrero de 2010

Educación física en el colegio en Ingles

Here an activity in English for Physical Education based on throwing and catching

Name of Activity: 2 Minute Drill

Purpose of Activity: Objective: To complete passes so your teams’ marker on the game board can be advanced down the field from 1 end zone to the other.

Activity cues: Remind students that it is important to let go of the ball with the nose pointed straight out or slightly up like we practiced so the ball makes it to the receiver in the air rather than bouncing in to them. Remind students to catch the ball with fingers pointing up on high throws, against their body for middle throws, and with fingers down on the low throws.

Prerequisites: Students should have had previous practice in gripping, throwing, and catching a football. I played this game from grades 2-8, just varying the passing distances as needed. Each grade enjoyed it.

Suggested Grade Level: 3-5

Materials Needed: Materials: 12-15 -junior size soft footballs, 8-10 cones, 4-5 containers/crates, 1 football field game board (needs to be made), 4-5 markers for game board, lively music The game board is just a mini model football field to scale that can be made out of paper, fabric, or cardboard or other. Like an NFL field, every 5 yards is a line and every 10 yards is a number indicating what yard line it is. It can be a simple diagram on paper or fancier based on your taste. I made mine with green fabric, first aid tape for yard lines, and printed out numbers on a cloth paper that peels and sticks. My field was about 3 feet wide and 12 feet long. For game markers, I used laminated NFL logos, but this could be bean bags or something else. I use this worksheet to provide feedback on the students likes and dislikes with types of activities. It also gives me a chance to see what obtacles they face at home when it comes to exercise and nutrition.

Nombre de Actividad: Taladro de 2 Minuto

Objetivo de Actividad: Objetivo: Completar pasa así el marcador de sus equipos sobre el consejo(la tabla) animoso puede ser avanzado abajo el campo de zona de 1 final al otro.
Señales de actividad: Recuerde a estudiantes a los cuales es importante dejar van de la pelota con la nariz puntiaguda directamente hacia fuera o ligeramente encima de como practicamos así la pelota lo hace al receptor en el aire más bien que saltarles en. Recuerde a estudiantes coger la pelota con dedos que señalan encima de sobre altos tiros, contra su cuerpo para tiros medios, y con dedos abajo sobre los tiros bajos.
Requisitos previos: Los estudiantes deberían haber tenido la práctica anterior en el agarro, el lanzamiento, y la cogedura un fútbol. Jugué este juego de grados 2-8, solamente(justo) variando las distancias que pasan como necesario. Cada grado disfrutó de ello.

Realizado por Tamara Gutiérrez López

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